

  • Traquair Jacobite Ale 330ml

    Traquair Jacobite Ale 330ml

    MSRP: $8.99
    Crafted from an age-old formula, Traquair Jacobite Ale is a robust brew infused with hops and a classic ingredient from antiquity: coriander. Its deep brown hue complements a luxurious bouquet of spice, chocolate, and leather notes, while its full-bodied...
    MSRP: $8.99
  • Traquair House Ale 330ml (Scotland)

    Traquair House Ale 330ml (Scotland)

    MSRP: $8.99
    Traquair House Ale boasts a rich deep reddish-amber/brown hue, complemented by a full and velvety body. It exudes a medium dryness and a robust character, with a subtle earthy peat undertone. The malt flavors are prominent, leading to a fruity finish...
    MSRP: $8.99
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