Bouchard Pere et Fils Beaune du Chateau 1er Cru White Burgundy Chardonnay 2019 (France) Rated 93JS

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James Suckling Review
Rated 93
Attractive sliced cooked apple with vanilla and light toast aromas follow through to a medium body with firmness and freshness. Bright and flavorful. Drink now.

Bouchard Pere et Fils Beaune du Chateau 1er Cru White Burgundy Chardonnay

Tasting Notes:
This 1er White Burgundy showcases a refined and elegant profile. Aromas of citrus, white peach, and floral notes are complemented by subtle hints of toasted almonds and a touch of minerality. On the palate, it is rich and well-balanced, with flavors of apple, pear, and a delicate touch of oak. The finish is long and crisp, reflecting the quality of the Beaune terroir.

Varietal Composition: 100% Chardonnay

ABV: 14%

Food Pairings: Pairs well with seafood, poultry, and creamy cheeses.

About the Winery:
Bouchard Pere et Fils is one of Burgundy's most esteemed producers, with a long history of crafting wines that express the unique characteristics of their vineyards. The Beaune du Chateau 1er Cru is a testament to their dedication to quality and tradition.

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