6 Bottle Case Sea Sun California Pinot Noir 2021 w/ Shipping Included

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MSRP: $194.99
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Wine Tasting Notes
Sea Sun California Pinot Noir is a captivating shade of red that exudes elegance. Its softness is evident from the moment it touches your senses. As you bring the glass to your nose, you are greeted by a delightful aroma of baked cherries and a hint of pie crust. The complexity of this wine is further enhanced by the subtle notes of brown spice and the gentle presence of warm vanilla, which seamlessly blend with the integrated wood flavors. Upon tasting, the wine reveals its vibrant and fruit-forward nature, with the cherry flavors mirroring those detected on the nose. The texture is velvety and luxurious, caressing your palate with every sip. The finish is reminiscent of the indulgent taste and smoothness of milk chocolate, leaving a lasting impression.
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