Mandala Dia De Los Muertos Anejo Tequila 2023 1L

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MSRP: $199.99
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Celebrate Dia de Muertos in style with the Mandala Dia de Muertos Limited Edition 1L. Created by the renowned Mexican artists Jesiel Rubio and Fer Arias, the bottle features El ALEBRIJE, inspired by the Aztec deity Quetzalcoatl. The design honors the transition from life to death, reminding us to celebrate and honor our loved ones. Enjoy a unique cultural experience with this special-edition bottle.

Color - Marvelous dark amber.

Aroma - Intense fruits and toasted oak.

Taste - Addictive with a long and profound finish, leaving a harmonious soft flavor that is sweet with hints of oak and vanilla.

Tequila Mandala is a symbol of culture, tradition and craft of our Mexican folk, the magic that each color represents, is the spirit of each pueblo and tourist region in Mexico. Tequila Mandala is proud to offer bottles that are hand crafted and hand painted one bottle at a time, by some of the biggest and most respected Mexican Artisan. Each one of our Tequila Mandala bottles transports us to those magical pueblos across Mexico full of unmatched gastronomy that is appreciated by the world. Tequila Mandala is the door to the tourist paradise across Mexico.

80 Proof
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