Planteray 3 Star Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad Light Rum 750ml

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Planteray 3 Stars is a tribute to the historic rums produced in the Caribbean, with a suave blend of the region's three primary terroirs: Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad. While Barbados delivers richness and a balanced palate, Trinidad adds finesse and Jamaica provides an emphatic structure. A perfect rum for Daiquiris.
  • Color: Clear
  • Nose: Delicate scents of brown sugar, honey, coffee bean; later whiffs following further aeration encounter baking spices: vanilla, and cloves.
  • Palate: Entry is biscuity, yet is bittersweet and light-bodied. Midpalate features round, supple flavors of dark chocolate, root beer, egg cream. Finishes fast, refined. Serious white rum at its grassy, herbal best.
82.4 Proof
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