Corbin Cash 1917 Barrel Proof Merced Rye Whiskey 750ml

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MSRP: $89.99
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Since 1917 Merced Rye has been grown on the soil of the family farm. This variety of rye is a natural fit for our California climate. It grows rapidly in cool weather and is naturally drought resistant. Corbin Cash 1917 Barrel Proof Merced Rye Whiskey is at least 5 years old, distilled from a 100% rye grain mashbill and bottled at cask strength. Not only is Merced Rye essential for a sustainable farming environment, it also makes an award-winning whiskey.

Tasting Notes
Aromas of Rye bread, candied cherry, syrup sweetness. On palate flavors of honey, baking spice, and Apple Jacks cereal followed by leather. Finishes wild bold heat, tannic oak and cigar box. Achieves a balance of high proof and deep flavor.

123 Proof
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