Ardbeg Ardcore Committee Release Islay Single Malt Scotch 750ml

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From a Distillery with more ups and downs that a pogoing punk comes Ardcore. Created with roasted black malt, roasted to the extreme, this spirit is all about what happens up front - centre stage. The malt is what defines its distinctive profile. Described as tasting like 'biting on a spiky ball', Ardcore is a dram that wears its heart on its sleeve...its black heart!

Notes of charcoal and sweet smoke make for an in-your-face nose, while potent notes of aniseed and dark chocolate stamp this bottle out as one fit only for the most Ardcore of fans.
  • COLOR - Pale, translucent gold.
  • NOSE - Spicy and savoury, Ardcore grips the senses with waves of marmite, burnt toast, chicory charcoal and infused coffee grounds making for a mosh pit in the glass. Like a safety pin through the septum, a classic Ardbeg herbal top note is present, while swirling, smoky bonfire and molasses loiter backstage.
  • TASTE - A jaw dropping spicy and fiery mouthfeel leads to an explosion of rich, smoky flavors - cocoa powder, dark chocolate, peanut brittle toffee, smoked lime and a suggestion of soot and bonfire embers all pogo in unison on the palate. Amped up aniseed and malty biscuit elbow their way to the fore, punkturing taste buds.
  • FINISH - In an altogether sweeter finish, long, lingering notes of treacle toffee, soot and smoke make for an anarchic, but delicious, aftertaste.
  • 100.2 Proof
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