Bruma Guadalupe Ocho Mezcla Reserva Red Blend Mexico 2021

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MSRP: $65.99
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Wine Tasting Notes
The Bruma Guadalupe Ocho Mezcla Reserva Red Blend Mexico displays a deep purple hue with a ruby edge. It boasts a rich and intricate bouquet featuring notes of blueberries, black pepper, dried cranberries, fresh roses, and violets.

With further aeration, the wine reveals additional layers of complexity with hints of dried flowers, licorice, vanilla bean, dark chocolate, black cherries, cardamom, menthol, truffle, and graphite.

This wine strikes a perfect balance between firmness and elegance, showcasing velvety and refined tannins. The midpalate is dense and generous, leading to a fresh and harmonious finish.

Overall, the Bruma Guadalupe Ocho Mezcla Reserva Red Blend Mexico is truly exceptional, embodying strength and sophistication in a seamless manner.

50% Cabernet Sauvignon 50% Petit Sirah
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