Busy Signal Sta. Rita Hills Pinot Noir 2021 Rated 94TP

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90+ Point Wines
MSRP: $39.99
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Tasting Panel Review
Rated 94
Earth and spice are on the line, with a direct connection to mulberry and cigar leaf. Ambient texture stays on hold with the palate, absorbing notes of vibrant pomegranate while dialing in aromas and flavors of rose petals melting into cedar. No missed calls here!

Wine Tasting Notes
Busy Signal Sta. Rita Hills Pinot Noir originates from the more inclined areas of two vineyards that are widely recognized for their excellence in the chilly and breezy Sta. Rita Hills in Santa Barbara County. This wine is the elder relative of Dial Tone, exhibiting richer and more profound flavors, heightened intensity, and a strong foundation. Undoubtedly, it is a wine that demands your undivided focus. We strongly encourage you to experience it for yourself!

100% Pinot Noir

Alcohol 14.4%.
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