Calirosa Extra Anejo Tequila 750ml

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MSRP: $209.99
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Calirosa Extra Anejo is a premium tequila made with 100% blue agave, double distilled, and aged in California red wine barrels for 36 months offering a uniquely smooth taste with lovely notes of cacao, coffee and raisins. Aged in California prized red wine barrels, Calirosa is the unexpected fusion of the spirit of Mexico and the vibrance of California. The result? A family of premium Tequilas, each with a distinctively smooth taste and a vibrant rosy glow.
  • Appearance: Golden mahogany with reddish hue.
  • Nose: Sweet Aroma of roasted agave, butterscotch, vanilla and with notes of dark chocolate.
  • Palate: Has a warm and velvety mouthfeel with rich notes of cacao, coffee and raisins. Long lingering finish with lovely cognac style elegance.<
  • 80 Proof
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