Casa Dragones Agave Azul Sipping Tequila 750ml

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  • Casa Dragones Agave Azul Sipping Tequila 750ml
  • Casa Dragones Agave Azul Sipping Tequila 750ml


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Dubbed the "Tastemaker's Top Tequila" by Forbes Magazine, Casa Dragones Joven is a small batch, limited edition, 100% Blue Agave Tequila, a master blend of silver tequila and extra aged tequila, rested in new American oak barrels for 5 years, for a complex, smooth taste that is perfect for sipping and pairing with food.

Body & Color - Rich silk body, with brilliant platinum hues and long pronounced legs, indicating a full body with a sleek texture on the palate.

Aroma - Fresh and inviting, subtle floral and citrus aroma with notes of sweet roasted agave.

Taste - Soft and smooth with hints of vanilla and spiced undertones, balanced with delicate notes of pear.

Finish - Clean, warm finish with hints of hazelnut and a bright, open aftertaste.

Proof 40% Alc. By Vol. (80 Proof)
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