Casino Azul Football Edition Silver Tequila 750ml

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MSRP: $67.99
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The Casino Tequila Azul Silver Soccer International is a truly exceptional bottle that features a soccer ball inside. This exquisite blend of blanco tequila is incredibly smooth and offers a delightful taste. It pays homage to the world's beloved sport, soccer. Whether you're looking for a fantastic gift or a drink to enjoy on the rocks, this bottle is a fantastic choice.

The Casino Azul Silver Soccer Ball is the ultimate selection for soccer enthusiasts. Crafted from a resilient synthetic leather material, this ball is built to withstand even the most intense games. Its striking silver color ensures it stands out on the field, making a bold statement. The ball's textured surface provides exceptional grip and control during play. Additionally, the butyl bladder guarantees that the ball maintains its shape and air pressure for an extended period. For soccer players seeking a reliable and stylish ball, the Casino Azul Silver Soccer Ball is the perfect option.

With its fresh agave aroma accompanied by fruity and citrus notes, the Casino Tequila Azul Silver Soccer International is a treat for the senses. Its smooth and sweet palate showcases the freshness of agave, complemented by subtle hints of citrus. The finish is both smooth and refreshing, leaving a satisfying taste.

80 Proof
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