12 Bottle Case Castoro Cellars Estate Paso Robles Falanghina 2021 Rated 92WE EDITORS CHOICE w/ Shipping Included

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Wine Enthusiast Review
Rated 92

This is an exciting show for this grape that's very rare in California. Ambrosial aromas of melon and orange blossom meet with crushed chalk on the nose, while the texturally grippy palate offers fresh flavors of Asian pear and Meyer lemon.

Wine Tasting Notes
This Falanghina is from our organically grown Estate Whale Rock Vineyard in the Templeton Gap of Paso Robles. The grape variety originated in southern Italy where it is often served with fresh seafood. Falanghina is a very aromatic wine with floral tropical fruit notes and a hint of minerality. It is medium bodied, dry-yet-fruity, and finishes crisp. This lively and pleasant wine is perfect for hot Paso Robles summer and fall weather. Served chilled.

80% Falanghina 20% Albarino

Alcohol 12.5%
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