Cazadores Reposado 100 Year Anniversary Tequila 750ml

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MSRP: $44.99
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The Tequila Cazadores 100 Year Estate Release is a Limited Edition Reposado developed from agave grown on our property at the Cazadores Distillery in Los Altos de Jalisco – Arandas, MX. A limited amount of the product has been made, and the unique blend of liquid will serve as a time capsule to celebrate our Centennial anniversary, never to be recreated again.

The reposado tequila has a bright gold color from the unique blend of tequila from American oak and new French oak barrels. Tequila Cazadores 100 Year Estate Release has a smooth and sweet taste with a citrus and vanilla finish and an aroma of intense cooked agave with fruity and spicy notes.

80 Proof
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