Dolce Napa Late Harvest Riesling 2017 375ml Half Bottle Rated 97JS

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Small Format Bottles
90+ Point Wines
MSRP: $108.99
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James Suckling Review
Rated 97
Deep amber-colored wine with aromas of orange marmalade, apricot tart and honey followed by gingerbread, fruit tea, cardamon and toasted almonds. Very concentrated on the mid-palate with luscious sweetness and mouthwatering acidity that balances out the palate. Enchanting complexity and vitality with layers of exotic spices and flavors. Long and zesty finish. Lots of caramel and oranges. It shows great drinkability but will go much further with age.

Wine Tasting Notes
Flavors of apricot and orange marmalade are promised by the aroma of the Dolce Napa Late Harvest Riesling and fully realized on the palate. The intense and bright fruitfulness of this vintage also has more subtle notes of butterscotch and baking spices. These lively flavors are carried by Dolce's signature mouth-filling and oily texture, leaving the palate with a watering and satisfying finish!

77% Semillon, 23% Sauvignon Blanc

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