Don Julio Alma Miel Joven Tequila 750ml

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MSRP: $114.99
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Celebrate a tequila that honors the legacy of Don Julio Gonzalez with Don Julio Alma Miel Tequila. This lusciously smooth sipping tequila is a homage to the heart and soul of tequila. Don Julio revolutionized the world of tequila-making, bringing it to uncharted heights. This luxurious tequila is made with hand-selected, luscious pinas harvested at peak ripeness. Don Julio Alma Miel Tequila was crafted with a unique blend of tequila that's distilled with oven roasted agave honeys and blended with anejo tequila that's been finished in sweet wine casks. This smooth tequila has sweet tasting notes of honey, spiced orchard fruit, creamy caramel, and rich roasted agave. It's best served neat, on the rocks, or in any signature tequila cocktail.
  • Color: Brilliant crstaline.
  • Nose: Oven-roasted agave, wildflower honey and dried fruits.
  • Taste: Spiced orchard fruit , caramel, and rich roasted agave honey.
  • Finish: Smooth and slightly sweet.

  • 80 Proof
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