

  • D'Usse VSOP Cognac 375ml

    D'Usse VSOP Cognac 375ml

    MSRP: $32.99
    Naturally aged at least four and a half years in the cellars of France's Chateau de Cognac, D'USSE emerges as a bold, full-bodied blend that arouses the palate. On the nose, it reveals a powerful...
    MSRP: $32.99
  • D'Usse XO Cognac 750ml

    D'Usse XO Cognac 750ml

    Our Maitre de Chai, Michel Casavecchia, meticulously hand-selects the rarest eaux-de-vie - some of which have rested for years in the cellars of the Chateau de Cognac - to craft the unique blend of...
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