GunBun by Gundlach Bundschu Sonoma Pinot Noir 2021

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90+ Point Wines
MSRP: $29.99
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Humans are a funny bunch. We spend a whole lotta time trying to convince everyone around us that we're cool and exciting. But we've found that the stuff that connects us to each other, the unexplainable draw towards another person, it's a lot easier to find when you're being your true self. GUNBUN is a project from a sixth generation Sonoma farming family with a reputation for creative self-expression in all forms. Made with a vision to transform a perfectly fine time into one of the best Tuesdays of your life. This wine isn't bottled poetry. This is a bottle of pure magnetic force.Wine Tasting Notes
GunBun by Gundlach Bundschu Sonoma Pinot Noir shows deep garnet color and layered aromas of berries, dried rose petals and spice. Silky palate of brambly red and black berry, black cherry and an element of warm earth and forest floor. Vibrant acidity, smooth tannins and fresh fruit flavors draw to a long elegant finish with rich espresso notes.
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