Hooten Young & Jack Carr 16 Year Old Warrior Proof American Whiskey 750ml

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MSRP: $159.99
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Hooten Young has partnered with former Navy SEAL, New York Times Best Selling Author, and outdoorsman, Jack Carr. Author of The Terminal List - book series turned Amazon Prime original series - Jack Carr became our right-hand support in co-creating Hooten Young & Jack Carr Warrior Proof American Whiskey.

At 125 proof, this is a whiskey we recommend drinking neat or with a few drops of distilled water. Staying true to our master mash bill, this American Whiskey is 99% corn and 1% barley. With its high corn percentage, the 125-proof is made smoother and sweeter, rounded out by notes of clove and baked apple. This isn't your party whiskey, but rather, an experience to be noted. Paired with a Hooten Young cigar, it's the perfect way to slow down and honor the brave men and women of our nation's armed forces. Notes of clove and baked apple and bottled straight from the barrel.

125 Proof
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