

  • Soonhari Strawberry Soju 375ml

    Soonhari Strawberry Soju 375ml

    MSRP: $5.99
    Soonhari Strawberry Soju is a clear colorless distilled spirit native to Korea, made from rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes or tapioca and infused with Strawberry flavor. It offers a light sweet, crisp and clean taste with a cool finish. Its special...
    MSRP: $5.99
  • Soonhari Peach Soju 375ml

    Soonhari Peach Soju 375ml

    MSRP: $5.99
    Soonhari Peach Soju is a clear colorless distilled spirit native to Korea, made from rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes or tapioca and infused with Peach flavor. It offers a light sweet, crisp and clean taste with a cool finish. Its special advantages are a...
    MSRP: $5.99
  • Soonhari Apple Mango Soju 375ml

    Soonhari Apple Mango Soju 375ml

    MSRP: $5.99
    Soonhari Apple Mango Soju is a clear colorless distilled spirit native to Korea, made from rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes or tapioca and infused with Apple Mango flavors. It offers a light sweet, crisp and clean taste with a cool finish. Its special...
    MSRP: $5.99
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