12 Bottle Case Richard Grant Chardonnay Cuvee Brut North Coast Sparkling NV w/ Shipping Included

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MSRP: $588.99
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Wine Tasting Notes
The stream of tiny bubbles indicates this Richard Grant Chardonnay Cuvee Brut North Coast Sparkling was made using the classic bottle fermentation method. The aroma of apples coupled with a hint of yeast is complex and delicious. The finish is dry and tart - the signature character of a traditional Brut sparkling wine.

Food Pairing Suggestions: We firmly believe that the nature of a Brut sparkling wine lends itself to a wide variety of food pairings. We suggest that Richard Grant Brut Chardonnay not be limited to just aperitif status or special occasions. Instead, we recommend you make any occasion special by serving Richard Grant Brut Chardonnay before, during, and after a meal.
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