Royal Tokaji Aszu 6 Puttonyos Gold Label 2017 (Hungary) 500ml Rated 96WE

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90+ Point Wines


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Wine Enthusiast Review
Rated 96
Light amber in the glass, this Aszú has aromas of yellow peach, honeycomb and a whiff of dried fig. In the mouth are intense flavors of white peach, apricot and a touch of savory herbs in the finish.

Wine Tasting Notes
Rich intense nose with hints of apricot, orange peel and spice. Very fine and elegant, full- flavored and rich with citrus, peach and a firm backbone of crisp balancing acidity.

Serve slightly chilled (50 to 54 degrees) in a small port glass or a glass of similar size (there are approximately eight two-ounce servings per 500ml bottle). Tokaji Aszu wines are wonderful on their own as an apritif or as a digestif, with cigars and petits fours. These wines also pair well with a wide variety of foods, including foie gras, fruit tarts, chocolate desserts, and blue and soft cheeses.
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