Springbank 10 Year Old Campbeltown Single Malt Scotch 700ml

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MSRP: $154.99
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Springbank 10 Year Old Campbeltown Single Malt Scotch provides the perfect introduction to the Springbank range. Matured in a combination of bourbon and sherry casks, it is complex yet perfectly balanced from the first sip through to the sweet, salty finish.
  • Nose - A gentle Kintyre coastal breeze, redolent with damp peat, identifies this as one of Campbeltown's finest. Fresh orchard fruit, orange zest, heather and honey combine with malt and vanilla notes to offer a warm welcome to Springbank's flagship malt.
  • Palate - Equal measures of complexity and robustness with an oily mouthfeel and plenty of spice, pepper, nutmeg and cinnamon. The orchard fruit and malt notes from the nose continue, providing balance and character.
  • Finish - Sweet salted caramel, toffee and drying peat prolong to round off this signature malt.
  • 92 Proof
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