WhistlePig The Boss Hog V Spirit of Mauve Rye Whiskey 750ml

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  • WhistlePig The Boss Hog V Spirit of Mauve Rye Whiskey 750ml
  • WhistlePig The Boss Hog V Spirit of Mauve Rye Whiskey 750ml


The name says it all. This is the biggest, most profound whiskey for the Boss Hog in all of us.

This 5th. edition of The Boss Hog, The Spirit of Mauve, is a 13 Year Straight Rye Whiskey finished in Calvados Casks in honor of our celebrity pet pig, Mauve's undying love of apples.

The result is extraordinary. A unique blend of sweet and spiced flavors with a fine balance between American power and French sophistication. There's nothing else like it.

Color: Dark, glowing, almost mahogany
Nose: Mulled cider, cardamom, candied ginger and a touch of piper tobacco. Caramel, vanilla and gentle Rye spice develops with time in the glass.
Palate: Maple syrup and pears are balanced by dark chocolate and French oak spice. With water, the spice moves front and center and a vibrant, fruit-forward character develops.
Finish: Lasting spice and a touch of charred oak and caramel, maple syrup lingers as the finish fades.
117.5 Proof

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