1800 GuachiMonton Anejo Tequila 750ml

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MSRP: $174.99
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1800 GuachiMonton Anejo Tequila pays tribute to the heritage and farming practices of the Tequila Valley. Taking inspiration from the remarkable Los Guachimontones pyramids, which were constructed using the same fertile red clay soil that nurtures the finest blue weber agave today, our distinctive red ceramic bottle and circular wooden cap serve as a homage to this ancient marvel.

In order to safeguard and preserve the precious land of the Tequila Valley, we are committed to providing ongoing support for the conservation of the UNESCO World Heritage site, as well as the museum and its various cultural, artistic, and educational initiatives that are deeply connected to the region.

Designed for connoisseurs of true tequila craftsmanship, our product represents the epitome of flavor. Whether enjoyed straight, on the rocks, or in a classic cocktail such as the Old Fashioned, it offers an unparalleled taste experience that will captivate discerning palates.

Explore the New Pinnacle of Taste, the first (and only) anejo tequila to be finished in orange tequila liquer casks.
  • COLOR: Amber, with golden nuances and coppery sparkles.
  • AROMA: Fresh citrus organge, honey, caramel, wood, ripe fruit.
  • BODY: Round, smooth and complex.
  • TASTE: Velvety, soft, pleasantly bitter.
  • FINISH: Fresh and persistent orange sensation.
  • 80 Proof
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