Bruichladdich Port Charlotte PMC:01 Heavily Peated Islay Single Malt Scotch 750ml

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Port Charlotte PMC:01 is a story of place. The sixth release in our Cask Exploration series, the 2013 vintage has been profoundly influenced by the rich, fruit-laden oak of Pomerol wine casks - adding depth and complexity to this single malt.
  • Nose: Warm peat smoke and red fruits open on the nose, moving to stewed pears, melon and a subtle marine note. Delicate floral notes of rose and geranium follow, with hints of vanilla, honey, leather and toasted oak coming from the wood. As the spirit opens further, a subtle spice mix of clove and ginger comes to the fore, with a touch of marzipan.
  • Taste: Malt sugar and peat smoke complement the tremendous viscosity of the liquid which coats the palate. The influence of the cask continues and showcases the harmonious balance of oak and fruit, with succulent blackberries, plum and aged leather.
  • Finish: Mellow marine tones, crushed seashells and a hint of citrus lemon rind nod to the single malt’s all-Islay maturation while Port Charlotte’s signature peat smoke lingers.
  • 109 Proof
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