Crown Royal 29 Year Old Extra Rare Canadian Whisky 750ml

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Incredible things come to those who put in the time. From Crown Royal's award-winning distillery in Gimli, Manitoba comes this stunning, limited-edition blended Canadian whisky that has been patiently aged for no less than twenty-nine years. Its smooth texture is balanced by the distinct flavor of Canadian rye grain, which brings unique full-flavored spice. Only 6,000 bottles of this extra rare gem are available. A perfect addition to your luxury spirits collection to pour when celebrating life's pinnacle moments.
  • Nose: Baking spices, rich subtle notes of orchard fruits, and toasted oak.
  • Palate: Rye spice accompanied by baking spices, orchard fruit, robust licorice, and a touch of vanilla.
  • Finish: Rich and robust yet balanced and a bit sweet. An exceptionally long and warming full finish.
  • 118.2 Proof
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