Delirium Noel Strong Dark Ale (Belgium) 750ml

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Delirium Noël Strong Dark Ale

Delirium Noël Strong Dark Ale is a rich and festive Belgian beer brewed specially for the holiday season. With its deep amber color and complex flavor profile, this strong ale offers warming notes of spice and fruit, making it perfect for winter gatherings and holiday celebrations.

Tasting Notes:

  • Aromas of dark fruits, caramel, and a hint of spice.
  • A full-bodied palate featuring flavors of raisins, figs, toffee, and cloves.
  • Subtle hints of cinnamon, nutmeg, and orange zest add holiday warmth.
  • A smooth, lingering finish with a touch of sweetness and spice.

Additional Information:

  • Alcohol Content: 10% ABV
  • Please note, this item is not shipped in the original packaging.

Brewery Information: Brewed by Huyghe Brewery in Belgium, Delirium Noël is part of the iconic Delirium family, known for their unique and flavorful beers. This seasonal ale is a festive favorite, offering a rich, warming experience that pairs perfectly with holiday meals or enjoyed on its own during colder months.

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