Dohba Espadin Mezcal 750ml

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  • Dohba Ensamle Espadin Tobala Mezcal 750ml
  • Dohba Ensamle Espadin Tobala Mezcal 750ml
MSRP: $149.99
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Dohba Espadin Mezcal 750ml

Dohba Espadin Mezcal is an artisanal spirit crafted in the Oaxacan Mixteca region of Mexico. This mezcal is produced from 100% Maguey Espadin (Agave Angustifolia), showcasing the unique characteristics of this agave variety.

Tasting Notes

  • Aroma: Intense with hints of white flowers and fruits such as green apples, complemented by a delicate smoky touch.
  • Palate: Very expressive, highlighting fruity notes with good taste persistence and a well-balanced profile.
  • Finish: Smooth and lingering, making it ideal as an aperitif or digestif.

Serving Suggestions

  • Neat: Enjoy straight to fully appreciate its complex flavor profile.
  • Cocktails: Enhances classic mezcal cocktails, adding depth and character.

Additional Information

  • Varietal Composition: 100% Maguey Espadin (Agave Angustifolia).
  • Alcohol Content: 40% ABV (80 proof).
  • Production: Handcrafted using traditional methods, including cooking agave hearts in conical ovens lined with volcanic stones, fermenting in oak vats, and double distillation in copper stills.
  • Packaging: Presented in unique, hand-blown glass bottles made from 100% recycled materials, sealed with biodegradable wax.

Dohba Espadin Mezcal embodies the rich cultural heritage and artisanal craftsmanship of Oaxaca, offering a distinctive and authentic mezcal experience.

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