Glengyle Distillery Kilkerran 8 Year Old Sherry Cask Matured Campbeltown Single Malt Scotch 700ml

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MSRP: $254.99
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  • Nose: complex and diverse. A rich and thick scent that immediately captivates the senses. Overripe apple slices, raisins, and burnt brown sugar.
  • Palate: fallen leaves on wet soil soaked in melted toffee and is a huge hit to the palate opening up brilliantly and is more like a toffee apple.
  • Finish: long and comforting, leaving a lasting impression on the palate, accompanied by the subtle spiciness of cracked black pepper and a touch of sea salt. Offers a warming sensation that lingers on the palate, inviting you to savor every last drop.
  • 114.8 Proof
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