Horse Soldier Small Batch Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

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  • 70% Corn; Yellow Dent 2, 20% Wheat; soft red winter, 10% Barley; two row, combination distillers malt and base two row. Water from limestone aquifers carefully filtered for purity. Grain, water, yeast and wood without additives or artificial colors.
  • NOSE - A deep inhale provides the nose sweet aromas with honey, apples, citrus, toffee and leather.
  • TASTING - Caramel, honey, butterscotch, woodiness, cashew and spiced raisin with a hint of toffee.
  • PROOF - 95/ 47.5% ABV. 595 is the Special Forces Team Number of the 1st green berets into Afghanistan that rode on horses into battle.
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