

  • Honkaku Kana Kokuto Sugar Shochu 750ml

    Honkaku Kana Kokuto Sugar Shochu 750ml

    MSRP: $65.99
    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Wine Tasting NotesHonkaku Kana Kokuto Sugar Shochu is fermented in ceramic pots. The first fermentation is made with white koji rice with traditionally made kokuto sugar added to the main...
    MSRP: $65.99
  • Honkaku Mahoko Sweet Potato Shochu 750ml

    Honkaku Mahoko Sweet Potato Shochu 750ml

    MSRP: $62.99
    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Wine Tasting NotesHonkaku Mahoko Sweet Potato Shochu was made by hand using white Sweet Potato koji in the first fermentation with steamed kogane sengan sweet potatoes added to the second...
    MSRP: $62.99
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