O.F.C. 2005 Old Fashioned Copper Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

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Straight bourbon whiskey must be aged in oak for at least two years, but these O.F.C. releases matured much longer. Recipe and age will vary by vintage, but many are expected to mature for twenty years or more. Barrels are evaluated regularly and some whiskey will be removed from the barrels as taste reaches the peak of flavor. Each hand-cut crystal bottle is vintage-dated according to the specific year in which the bourbon was distilled.

This very rare and collectable bourbon honors the O.F.C. Distillery, a National Historic Landmark that is known today as Buffalo Trace Distillery. The most state-of-the-art distillery of its era featured copper fermentation vats, column stills, and a first-of-its-kind steam heating system that is still used to make award-winning bourbon whiskey in aging warehouses today.

A nose of dark cherry, honey, and smoked oak. On the palate, notes of caramel, toasted vanilla, and cocoa are found. For the finish, coffee, maple syrup and oak linger.

90 Proof
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