Old Forester Birthday Bourbon Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky 2023 750ml

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The 2023 Birthday Bourbon is presented at 96 proof. After showing exceptionally unique character during a tasting panel, the 12-year old barrels were chosen specifically for Birthday Bourbon. The full allotment of product represents barrels that come from the same day of production.
  • APPEARANCE - Rich Mahogany.
  • NOSE - Bright candied citrus and floral overtones give way to rich turbinado sugar and roasted coffee beans as slight cedar and charred oak round out the nose.
  • PALATE - Subtle citrus with heavy notes of dark honey, molasses and charred oak.
  • FINISH - A dry toasty oaked caramel with lingering bittersweet tannins.
  • 96 Proof
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