Rough Rider Bull Moose Three Barrel Rye Whisky 750ml

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MSRP: $44.99
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Rough Rider Bull Moose Three Barrel Rye Whisky is handcrafted and aged in three type of casks to yield complexity and richness. The journey begins in new American oak casks where the rye whisky takes on spicy, sweet cinnamon flavors. When the time is right, the rye whisky is moved to bourbon casks under the watchful eye of Master Distiller Richard Stabile, where rye and bourbon flavors blend. The final maturation takes place in barrels that previously held the distillery's Pine Barrens Single Malt Whisky.

Rough Rider Bull Moose Rye Whisky is crisp with sweet fruit aromas on the nose. This is followed by spice, caramel, vanilla and blackberry on the palate with a long, warm, toasty, velvety finish.

90 Proof

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