Sazerac 18 Year Old Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey 2023 750ml

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The famed Sazerac Coffee House was founded in 1850 on Exchange Alley in New Orleans, Louisiana and soon gained fame as the home of "America's First Cocktail" known as the Sazerac. Using rye whiskey in place of the French brandy, a dash of Peychaud Bitters, and Herbsaint, what eventually became the official cocktail of New Orleans was created. Sazerac 18 Year Old Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey has a mellow spice and dry sweetness that dances on the tongue, giving pure delight that is worthy of the Sazerac name.

Tasting Notes
Very mature, with notes of oak, leather molasses and all-spice. The long, warm finish is preceded by notes of mint, eucalyptus, cinnamon, vanilla, and lingering pepper.

90 Proof
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