WhistlePig Piggybank 10 Year Old Straight Rye Whiskey 1L

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Something good in a hog's...

Bring home the bacon with our limited edition PiggyBank Rye Aged 10 Years. This Straight Rye Whiskey celebrates a decade of innovation since our first Best Rye Award (Triple One, WWA 2012), bottled in a porcine decanter based on a 19th century Berkshire Bitter Pig. This ham's hind is bottled at 110 proof and wax sealed to keep every drop of goodness safe until posterior consumption.

Here's to a decade of fearless attempts, world's first whiskeys and drinking our mistakes.
  • NOSE - Freshly poured in the glass, bright and vibrant notes of mint and dill, with light notes of truffle in the background
  • PALATE - Black pepper herbaceous rush to greet the pallet, followed by notes of tobacco, citrus peel, and soft spoken anise
  • FINISH - Classic long and spicy finish with rich oak tannin to round out the experience
  • 110 Proof
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